B Corp School

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Why B Corp School?

We are part of a global movement made of thousands of Benefit Corporations and B Corps that are trying to accelerate the transition towards regenerative and sustainable business models.

This change can happen only if we include younger generations in the process, as the talented of today will be the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. This way, we empower them to take on systemic projects with high environmental and social impact.

How B Corp School started:
the story of our impact

B Corp School was born on a summer day in Cascais, near the ocean, during the B Corp European Summit. In this inspiring setting we presented the idea of creating the first B Corp School, a project to bring benefit entrepreneurship into schools, to hundreds of people of the B Corp community.

Thanks to the enthusiasm and trust of many of the B Corps that were present, the idea took shape and, back in Italy in october, InVento Lab together with B Lab Europe, Nativa and the involvement of global ambassadors of the movement, launched the first edition of B Corp School.

What is B Corp School?

B Corp School is activism, the creation of positive impact and inspiration. B Corp School is the first project (recognised in Italy by the Ministry of Education) that connects schools with Benefit Corporations and other companies that share the same values, to discover new talents and spread the benefit values among students of High Schools and Universities.

As of today, it has involved thousands of students all over Italy and an incredible network of B Corps and institutional partners.
This is why B Corp School is a project of great social impact, especially for those companies that choose to become not only mentors for our students, but also spokespeople for a tangible change towards a more sustainable and inclusive future, both for the students and the territories they operate in.
B Corps, inspiring participants with their know-how and their expertise, support their team in making the difference in their territory through the creation of green and innovative start ups. At the end of the project, all start ups, together with the B Corps that guided them, enter the Changemaker Competition, an opportunity of great national visibility and networking for talented youth and businesses.

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All the B Corps that support the project

  • Classes have the possibility to activate competences and soft skills on sustainability and entrepreneurship, elaborating tangible solutions to solve the environmental challenges of their territories by creating a green startup.
  • For secondary schools in Italy, the project is officially recognised within the PCTO scheme, which requires and gives credits to students who take part in professionalizing activities in anticipation of their access in the job market.
  • For involved teachers B Corp School includes a specific training recognised by the Italian Ministry of Education.
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  • Create value in your territory and generate impact on youth and the environment: present students with a challenge based on the values of your company and discover new talents.
  • Join the project actively by engaging your employees and collaborators, training them on new opportunities tied to sustainability matters and creating a real green community.
  • Empower your business brand through communication events, networking and community engagement with youth in your territories.
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Prizes and acknowledgements

Find out more about us

The B Corp School world

B Corp School Young!

B Corp School Young is the education project for middle schools with the goal of engaging younger students on the topic of sustainability. Students can put into practice their abilities and knowledge, creating an innovative project that brings circular economy values and practices into their school. Teachers and students are guided by expert mentors throughout the project and, thanks to our InVento School platform, they can count on a wide array of educational material necessary to carry out their project work. We believe that by involving students from a very young age in learning about sustainability, we help them lay the foundations to make their dreams come true, becoming more conscious citizens and true agents of change.

B Corp School Incubator

B Corp School Incubator is the incubation project, offered in collaboration with the B Community, that supports young aspiring startuppers who choose to incorporate B Corp values in their project’s Mission, already from the pre-seed phase.
The Incubator is open to all the young startups that join InVento Lab’s education projects throughout the years, with the intention of strengthening their knowledge and skills on the impact of their project, from a financial and fundraising point of view but also in marketing and communication matters.
To support the selected projects, we offer Mentorship sessions with experts from various specific fields, webinars and meetings with CEOs and other important experts from the regenerative business scenario.

B Corp School Board


B Corp School is supported by an exceptional Board made up of Advisors and Ambassadors from the international B Corp scenario, who dedicate their time and experience to enhancing the project's potential, reach and impact.
Board Members are involved in the strategic development of B Corp School, contributing first hand to the creation of value and to guide future changemakers.

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Paolo Braguzzi

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Renske van Grinsven

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Giovanna Gregori

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Marcello Palazzi

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Valentina Ciurlante

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Luca Solesin

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Enrica Cornaglia

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Claudia Mandrile

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Laura Giadorou-Koch

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Anna Cogo

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Elisabetta Illy

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Maria Paola Chiesi

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Massimo Bello

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Daniel Truran

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Sonia Ziveri

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Ruggero Frecchiami

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Mauro Del Barba

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Raul Caruso

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Francesco Mondora

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Andrea Grillenzoni


Changemaker Competition

What is the Changemaker Competition?

The Changemaker Competition is the final event of the B Corp School project! The teams of all the startups that joined the project take part in an inspiring and healthy competition, with exceptional speakers, introducing their B Startups with an elevator pitch, followed by a Q&A session with a jury formed by experts from the B Corp scenario, who elect the winner for each B category.
The competition represents a great visibility and networking opportunity for students and future changemakers, who can interact with prestigious entrepreneurs, as well as professors and journalists, all working in the sustainability field.

The Changemaker Competition Jury


4° edition
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Alessia De Albertis

People&Culture Director
FAR Networks
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Andrea Argenti

Country Head Italia
Lombard Odier Investment Managers
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Annamaria Daniela Gentile

Product & Gifts Quality Assurance Manager
Stanhome Italia
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Camilla Negri

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Carmen Cancellari

Community Manager
Talent Garden
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Cecilia Cellai

Sustainable development director and PNR Regional Team
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Chiara Di Tonno

Event Manager & Internal Communication
Yves Rocher Italia
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Domenico Tessera Chiesa

Green Packaging Specialist
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Elena Accorinti

Digital HR | IT Consultancy
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Elisa Ciaccheri

Innovation Consultant
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Fabrizia Sernia

Scientific Journalist
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Gabriele Caramellino

Author, writer and business advisor
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Gabriella Scapicchio

Le Village by Crédit Agricole Milano
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Giulia Salmaso

National Account Manager
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Greta Bertozzini

Impact Investing
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Jean-Daniel Regna-Gladin

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Lorenzo Zorzi

Digital & Innovation Senior Manager
Mondora srl SB
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Luca Bazzoli

Ecosystem manager
Ashoka Italia
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Marco D'Angelo

Startupper and Freelance
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Marco Lucarno

Developper (real estate, business, sustainability)
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Mariella Bucciarelli

Senior expert
Tecnostruttura delle Regioni
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Martina Asara

UX/UI Architect
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Matteo Taraschi

Legal consultant
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Matteo Trotti

Quality and Impact Manager
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Myriam Corti

National Global Sales
Seven Data
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Nadir Snouno

Business Analyst
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Paolo Braguzzi

Volunteering association President
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Patrizia Borin

Senior PR & Communications Consultant
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Patrizia Merola

Digital HR
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Rosaria Lubrano

Marketing director
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Rossella Ferrara

Head of Marketing
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Sara Bonandini

Web marketing specialist
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Silvia Mazzanti

Product and Sustainability Manager
Save The Duck S.p.A.
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Silvia Pagliuca

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Thomas Greco

Head of Procurement & Insurance
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Tiziana Barone

Semiotics analyst and researcher
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Tommaso Francini

HR generalist
FAAC Group
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Valentina Gaudenzi

HR Manager
Euro Company Srl SB
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Vittorio Traversa


4th Edition Awards



4BS Scientific Lyceum Curie, Tradate (MI)

Curien created a permanent pencil, made solely with sustainable and natural materials, that is intended as a substitute for common plastic pens.


(Ex aequo) 4BPC Machiavelli Institute, Pioltello

House of KM0 is a delivery service that distributes ready-made meals prepared with organic and locally sourced produce and products, moreover involving disadvantaged and underprivileged workers in the process.


(Ex aequo) 2E Classical Lyceum Romagnosi, Parma

Pedaliamo Parma is an app that provides its users with a constantly updated map of all bike lanes and themed trails of the city.


3E Scientific Lyceum Ulivi, Parma

Clear Clouds is prototyping and testing air filters that can retain PM10 and PM2,5 particles. At the moment, Clear Clouds has activated an experimental phase with the University of Parma.


3LC Lyceum Virgilio, Milan

City Farmer is a website that links farmers, local producers and clients and that intends to provide a home delivery system which counts on sustainable means of transportation.


4A LIC Olivelli Putelli Institute, Darfo (BS)

Virtega is a website that showcases small food businesses that produce fresh and local products, to increase their visibility.


4SD Virgilio Lyceum, Milan

Not Just Food is a bistrot that intends to offer both an on location service and a delivery service of products prepared with ingredients that would be otherwise discarded because of their poor aesthetics.


3B of the Lyceum Salvatore Quasimodo, Magenta (MI)

B Life intends to give new life to old clothes to reduce waste of resources and propose a new sustainable fashion model.


What others say about B Corp School

Nòva Changemaker Competition
Nòva - Il Sole 24ore

nòva - Il Sole 24ore talks about the Changemaker Competition of B Corp School.

Among the stratuppers, social entrepreneurs and benefit managers interviewed by Vita, there’s Giulia Detomati telling about InVento Lab.

B Corp School: quando le imprese nascono a scuola
Corriere della Sera - La Nuvola del Lavoro

La nuvola del lavoro by Corriere della Sera talks about the B Corp School project.